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On 14-Oct-04, at 5:41 PM, Dimitris Papavasiliou wrote:

The __index
behavior you're referring to can probably implemented with something like

if (!strcmp(lua_tostring(l, 2), "foo")) {
} else if (!strcmp(lua_tostring(l, 2), "bar")) {
} else
 lua_rawget(l, 1);

where foo and bar are "special" values and everything else isn't. This code is pretty simple and logical and also note that you can still use the foo and
bar table fields to store useful data.

If you are coding a lua_userdata metamethod, __index and __newindex are precisely get and set, so I don't see what you are complaining about. The "only applies to nil entries" only applies to native Lua tables.

Isn't pairs implemented on top of next? lua_next() is the only function
available in the API.

That is, imho, irrelevant. Having coded quite a number of iterators, and for the reasons I mentioned earlier, I believe that it is more convenient to use
a __pairs metamethod to implement the pairs() standard library call.

Furthermore, pairs is not exactly "implemented on top of next"; it returns a closure to perform the next() function. It should not be necessary to do a metatable lookup on every iteration of a loop; the closure only needs to be
generated once.

You can read more in the mailing list archives if you care to.

Why do you want tables and userdata to be different concepts? In your approach
you unify tables and userdata but still keep simple tables around.

Tastes differ, I suppose. Not all my userdatas mimic tables, but even the ones that don't sometimes need to store Lua objects. (Function closures aren't tables
either, but they are very useful objects.)

Anyway, just my S/.02 worth.