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On Fri, Aug 13, 2004 at 04:20:43PM +0100, Daniel Silverstone wrote:
> William Roper wrote:
> >Actually, I would think its safe to say that if someone posts
> >something in a public forum without a copywright notice or a license
> >that it would be public domain.
> Nup. It's just utterly and completely unusable and un-distributable :-)
> Public domain is an *explicit* rescinding of control.

Indeed, and I believe certain legal authorities (Eben Moglen perhaps?)
have even asserted that the declaration 'This code is hereby realeased
into the public domain' is still not sufficient to actually make it
legally public domain. You have to take 'legal steps'...

Of course, we can certainly hope that any author who claims their work
is PD has no intention of asserting their copyright, making the point

-- Jamie Webb