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On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 11:26:37AM -0700, William Roper wrote:
> Ok, I think I've got it now.
> I need to create a wrapper class that will be the userdata.
> Inside the wrapper class will at least contain a pointer to my
> instanced class and a function wrapper for each function I need to
> call in the instanced class from Lua.

You could do that, but you don't actually need to create a wrapper
class. Just the wrapper functions. If you look at the example code I
posted earlier, I'm just storing a pointer directly in the userdata.

> Then after I create my instanced class, the factory needs to call a
> function that creates the new userdata, then sets the user datas
> pointer to instanced class.


> I also create a metatable for the userdata that has the methods I need
> to call on my instanced class and point them to the wrapper functions
> for each of those.

Yes. Note that you only need to create the metatable for each class
once, and then you use the same metatable for each instance of that

-- Jamie Webb