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<begin rambling>
I have seen "use the proxy table" answers on one too many occasions. 

Before the flame war hungry folks jump in, let me state up front that
Lua is a great language, simple, extensible, what have you and I will
not blink my eyes should you throw some miracle at me that is possible
with Lua.

I am not sure about others (but I suspect there are a few who share my
sentiment), but in -=systems integrations=- (where scripting languages are
playing a crucial role more and more) having to UNDERSTAND and implement
the "proxy table design pattern" is a bummer [for the "menial" programmers]
because it stands in the way of a "speedy" solution - no matter how
trivial the implementation MAY be. This could easily suck away anywhere
from 2 - 8 hours of searching, having the "hmmm....aha" moment and finally
the implementation game.

The fact that this question has come up so many times would suggest that
there is a cause for reifying the design pattern into a primitive (i.e. 
integrated into the core) - unless this causes excessive code bloat,
significant performance loss or the core becomes non portable.

It's not that I don't want to understand this pattern; I just do not
have the time and I do not want to create it for every project that
I work with that uses Lua.

</end rambling>

So the question is this: is it worth requesting this as a feature in

Vijay Aswadhati