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> > luarc is available at
> I do think that more people should try luarc.  IMO it needs 
> more generous testing in peoples' projects. :)  I think it 
> needs more testing for selfish reasons: I'm hoping that 
> someone else can reproduce the problems I have with it, since 
> it seems to perform quite excellently for tiny tests but has 
> stability problems in my larger environment.  More eyes couldn't hurt!

I want to say that Adam is right.  I still haven't figured out what is
blowing up for him.  From the other point of view, luarc works fine for me
with lots of data manipulation, script execution, and large data sets.  So I
guess it goes both ways.

Either way, the more the merrier.  While I'm hopeful the 5.1 incremental
collector will work, the current stress tests I've run with it don't hold a
candle to the speed and ease of use of luarc.
