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Joshua Jensen wrote:
The game I`m working on has a very high table/node count. I'm talking around 10 000 hash tables and 120 000 Nodes. This takes a relatively long time to traverse and causes the frame rate to drop significantly when when doing a gc cylce ( it takes around 33ms to do the complete gc ).

luarc, a reference counted version of Lua 5.02, is pretty efficient.  The
mark/sweep collector still has to run for cyclic tables, but for everything
else, it's better than any other solution I've played with.  As an example,
the mark/sweep pass in Amped 1 took over 60 milliseconds.  Given the number
of tables/strings/collectable data generated per frame, luarc would take a
fraction of a millisecond.

luarc is available at

I do think that more people should try luarc.  IMO it needs
more generous testing in peoples' projects. :)  I think it needs
more testing for selfish reasons: I'm hoping that someone else
can reproduce the problems I have with it, since it seems to
perform quite excellently for tiny tests but has stability
problems in my larger environment.  More eyes couldn't hurt!

Luarc seems like a nice approach, from an experimental point
of view.  I enjoy seeing the various official and unofficial
Lua offshoots and experiments, it makes Lua feel like a very
'alive' language.

Adam D. Moss   . ,,^^   co:3