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>It is not a problem at all, but what is the point of having only a few
features of the VCL/CLX?

The point is i want to use it with my game related delphi classes of 3D
Adventure Studio ( so i can use lua as a scripting
language for it. If lua is able to use these classes it is more direct then
inventing a new structure for use with lua.

>The 'main' problem is that only the published properties will be available
automatically through the script engine (RTTI). 
>Methods and functions will have to be 'hand-registered'.

Could you give an example of hand-registered functions as i believe a
function inside a class is not equal to a normal function even if you add
cdecl; to it.

I am willing to start an project, but i already take care of a few other
projects, one being: