Joshua Jensen wrote:
Actually, LuaPlus existed as a product called LuaState (which dates back to the early Lua 3 days) long before it ever was used at Microsoft for some Xbox titles. I've heard of several companies who made ports of it to Linux, but none were able to submit the patches back to me. LuaPlus is pretty portable in its current state, as I know it has been moved between Visual C++ 6 through Visual C++ 2003 and also on modern GCC compilers. One day, I'm going to have to install Linux to make the final port there, but in the meantime, I'd help anyone who wanted to do it (even if they couldn't submit the patch back).
First thing that can be done is adding svn:eol-style property set to "native" for the sources in subversion repository, that will allow checkouts in native line endings - CRLF for Windows and LF for Linux.
Another annoying thing is the following code: #ifdef LUAPLUS_ENABLE_INLINES #define LUAPLUS_INLINE inline #else !LUAPLUS_ENABLE_INLINES #define LUAPLUS_INLINE #endif LUAPLUS_ENABLE_INLINES GCC compiler produces a lot of such warnings: LuaPlus.h:12:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directive LuaPlus.h:22:8: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif directiveThey intermix with error messages and make compiler output harder to to read.
Making the code compile out of the box with Mingw would certainly help to fix most of the issues that make compiling LuaPlus harder in Linux.
These all are only minor problems that are easy to fix, but fixing them will make it easier to work with LuaPlus sources.