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Hi everyone. I'm using LuaCom 1.2 RC1, and I'm having trouble with COM
I have a COM component which publishes two interfaces: IControl and ICall.
IControl fires an event which passes a ICall**.
Whenever I get that event in Lua, the parameter is always nil. The event is
defined like this:
[id(0x00000001), helpstring("method NewCall")] HRESULT newCall([out] ICall**
newCall); Is that kind of stuff supported in this release of LuaCom?

Thanks in advance,
Ignacio Burgueño

This is the relevant part of the code:

tapi_events = {}

function tapi_events:newCall(theCall)
	print("newcall fired")
	print(theCall)	-- this is always nil ?

objTapi = luacom.CreateObject("TAPIClient.Control")

-- Connects object and table
res = luacom.Connect(objTapi, tapi_events) if res == nil then

objTapi:MakeNewCall("144", "")	-- calling this method will cause the
"newcall" event to fire

-- the host implements a message loop in order to receive the event