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Hi, I just upgraded our Lua from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2, so I thought I'd post a summary for those who may be interested. 

Most of the new bug fixes have been documented in the file called 'UPDATE'. However, there were a couple that were not. I have labeled them with ***.

- bugs fixed since version 5.0.1:   
  - src/lib/lbaselib.c
      - Wrong number of returns from chunks loaded from stdin
  - src/luac/luac.c
      - Missing lock/unlock
  - *** src/luac/lparser.c
      - The 'local function func( ) ... end' syntax used to make 'func' visible in the debug info before it was initialized. 
  - *** src/lvm.c
      - 'pc' address was invalidated when a coroutine was suspended (5.0.1 contained a partial fix)
      - see
        - I ran the test script Roberto posted, and both Lua 5.0 and Lua 5.0.1 displayed erroneous results, while 5.0.2 seemed fine.
  - minor fixes to Makefiles and Lua test scripts 

- Affected files:
  - These files in Lua 5.0.1 need updating
    - src/lib/lbaselib.c 
    - src/lparser.c
    - src/lvm.c
    - include/lua.h
    - src/luac/luac.c 
    - Makefile 
    - src/luac/Makefile
    - test/luac.lua 
    - test/table.lua 
    - doc/readme.html 
    - doc/manual.html

Please correct me if you see an error in this summary. Thank you.
