Hi Ivan,
Which seems simple enough. Then the only requirement that remains is to
install each tool in a folder with some fixed name, so each tool could
require "tools/someTool"
require "thisTool/subModule"
Of course, fixed names could possibly lead to name clashes, as we know,
but that should happen very rarely, and could be avoided by installing
different sets of tools into different subfolders, and adding each to
Yes. But, adding "C:\Program Files\Lua\?\?.lua" (note the two '?')
to your LUA_PATH could provide a simple way to use libraries that load
other internal Lua files. This way one could install a library like:
And load it with
require "aTool"
The file aTool.lua would have to
require "aTool/auxiliar.lua"
require "aTool/another.lua"
And it will work just with a correct LUA_PATH, despite the folder
where "aTool" subfolder was installed.