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> I created new lua thread. Then I pushed a string to run and called
> lua_resume(). btw, it'll be good to include function is_yielded() which
> is (L->ci->state & CI_YIELD) into the Lua library functions. So then I
> resume thread until it is completed. But if there is an error during
> its execution, I'd like to show the call stack. Is it possible without
> using hooks?
	Yes.  In C you can do the same:

/* untested code */
lua_pushliteral (L, "_TRACEBACK");
lua_rawget(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX);  /* get traceback function */
err_func = lua_gettop (L);
/* push function to call */
/* push arguments */
status = lua_pcall (L, <n_args>, <n_results>, err_func);

	See the reference manual for details.  And I think the standalone
interpreter is a good example.  If you're calling a C function, there is
lua_cpcall.  Check the manual!

	Hope it will helps,