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Hello Tomas,

Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 8:40:40 PM, you wrote:

T> I'm sorry.  I forgot to mention that you to use it inside
T> a "xpcall".  For instance, supose you want to call function x
T> with a set of different arguments:

T> function x (s)
T>     return '('..s..')'
T> end

T> for _, s in ipairs{ "abc", 23, {} } do
T>     local ok, msg_or_str = xpcall (function () return x(s) end, debug.traceback)
T>     if ok then
T>         print ("Ok!", msg_or_str)
T>     else
T>         print ("Fail!", msg_or_str)
T>     end
T> end

T> The arguments are on the table { "abc", 23, {} }.

T> Ok!     (abc)
T> Ok!     (23)
T> Fail!   test.lua:2: attempt to concatenate local `s' (a table value)
T> stack traceback:
T>         test.lua:2: in function `x'
T>         (tail call): ?
T>         [C]: in function `xpcall'
T>         test.lua:6: in main chunk
T>         [C]: ?

T> The error message was created by debug.traceback and returned
T> by xpcall as the second return value.  `test.lua` is the name of the
T> file where the code was written.

Thank you, Thomas, but is there any way to do the same thing from the
C part of the code? Let's consider the following example.

I created new lua thread. Then I pushed a string to run and called
lua_resume(). btw, it'll be good to include function is_yielded() which
is (L->ci->state & CI_YIELD) into the Lua library functions. So then I
resume thread until it is completed. But if there is an error during
its execution, I'd like to show the call stack. Is it possible without
using hooks?

Best regards,