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Excellent information within... thanks much for reporting on this.

A question:

In the suggestions for avoiding pitfalls, you mention: " Avoid using extremely large table sizes as performance drops in table access actions."

Can you tell use what you consider "extremely large"?

I have several core tables in my environment that hold all the api calls to my internal engine and am wondering if I'm knocking on the door of a serious slow down?


On Apr 15, 2004, at 12:19 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

The moderators have kindly shared with us their report. So here it is.

            GDC 2004 - Lua in the Gaming Industry Roundtable Report


   Jon Burns [1]
   David Eichorn [2]

   Microsoft Game Studios


The embedded programming language Lua is becoming more and more widely used in the gaming industry. The beauty of this language is in its simplicity and flexibility; several games within Microsoft Game Studios employ the use of Lua for many aspects of their architectures, including scripting, game balancing, AI decision making, driving animations, UI layout, and level building. The purpose of this roundtable discussion is to bring developers from the industry together to share in their experiences integrating Lua into their game projects. The goal is to spread awareness of the most popular uses of Lua and to also make any short-comings or pitfalls apparent to those
   developers evaluating the use of Lua in their games.

Session Format

The roundtable was broken into two sessions. Not knowing the actual experience level of the participants, the discussion topics were wide
   open; anything related to Lua was fair game.


The first session had approximately sixty attendants, primarily all developers. The second session had approximately forty five attendants, again, primarily all developers. The first session had many more active participants, approximately fifteen, as more of this group had some good experience working with Lua on their projects. The second group was less experienced; only approximately seven participated actively. Some attended to share their experience while others simply wanted to learn more about Lua's impact in the industry
   or evaluate it for possible use.

Key Discussion Points

  Lua 4.0 vs. Lua 5.0

Users of both stated that they have observed as high as a 20% performance improvement when moving to Lua 5.0. It was concluded that it would behoove any teams using older versions of Lua to switch over
   to Lua 5.0, the latest release version.

  Lua vs. Python

The comparison of Lua and Python was a major theme of both sessions. The general consensus here is that Lua is much faster, uses less memory, has a smaller footprint, and is easier to get up and running and hooked into a game than Python. Python, however, is much more scalable than Lua. Python has a good set of modules for specialized tasks which makes it a good language to use for cross-platform
   development, while in Lua you'd have to write much of it yourself.

Many developers use both languages for different purposes - Lua is most often used for small-scale while Python is used for large-scale tasks (such as tool development efforts). Lua is often used for game scripting, Python for tools. One developer even said he had written
   his Lua debugger in Python!

  Lua vs. XML

A question was posed regarding using Lua or XML for data definition. The general consensus was that Lua is much more compact and readable than XML. XML is good for describing small sets of data and web-related data, and it was suggested that a team could use XML as a meta-language to express game data in binary, which would be good for cross-platform development. Most agreed it is much easier to find
   XML-savvy editors than Lua editors.

  Lua's easy ramp-up time

Most developers heavily experienced with Lua said Lua is a language that developers can learn in about 10 minutes and that non-programmers can pick up at a fairly quick pace. Certain scripting applications using Lua could be a good way for junior programmers to get into the

There is good documentation for Lua, which aids in the ramp-up process. There is now a Lua Programming book, reference manuals, and a
   good community support web site [3] [4].

  Non-programmers using Lua

There was general agreement that non-programmers - game and level designers, perhaps artists - can learn to understand the syntax of the language and write small bits of code with excellent results, but that learning how to actually program in Lua is a challenge. The risk here is the higher chance of subtle bugs being introduced into Lua scripts
   from these non-technical people.

For example, some devs had problems with their artists not knowing good naming conventions and programming concepts well enough to do a good job in Lua. One suggestion was to use a tool named Ultraedit that color-codes the Lua script - this developer claimed his artists found
   programming in Lua much easier in this editing program.

It was also suggested that data-driven design support in Lua is better for these non-technical people. One developer suggested creating a multi-tiered system that added increasing levels of abstraction - each level increasing the ease of use for the non-technical people using
   Lua. He claimed it has worked very effectively in his project.

  Binding Lua to C++

Many less-experienced Lua users asked about binding Lua with C++. Some developers are using the Luabind tool which does this quite effectively, though some cautioned that the compile times are much longer. One mentioned that the tool ToLua is no longer supported, so use of it should be transitioned to another automatic binding generation tool. Other tools mentioned included LuaPlus and Swig. Some developers found it easier to write their own in-house tools to bind
   Lua and C++ because it is quite easy to do.

The discussion produced this word of caution: the easier it gets to bind Lua to data objects in the game source, the easier it is to fall
   into the trap of binding *everything* to Lua, which is dangerous...

  Issues encountered when using Lua in game development

   The attendees had many suggestions on avoiding pitfalls:

Avoid using Lua in "every frame" actions as performance drops dramatically. For example, don't use Lua to do animation updates; set up parameters for the animation in Lua and do the updates in C/C++

Avoid using Lua for large game development tasks; rather use Lua in
   quick small-scale actions.

Avoid using extremely large table sizes as performance drops in table
   access actions.

Store state information outside of Lua in C++ objects, only bind when

Be careful about what data is bound to Lua. Having careful control of this data can result in a good, stable environment regarding security

Call garbage-collection routines explicitly only when free cycles come up. Some devs found that Lua was doing garbage collection at
   inopportune times.

One developer cautioned against using incremental garbage collection as he observed noticeable slowdown. Because it is a new functionality,
   however, this claim wasn't discussed much.

  Good things about Lua

The attendees had the following to say about what appeals to them
   about using Lua:

Lua coroutines work "reasonably well" for cooperative multithreading. One developer said they have about twice the overhead of a function
   call (negligible), and that having 3-4 works just fine.

All of the developers love the fact that licensing Lua is so easy, and
   especially so free.

In event-based and polling systems, many of the developers claimed
   they observe no noticeable bottlenecks caused by Lua.

New features/tools coming into the Lua scene make it more attractive day by day: Lualint and the new standard debugging library provided in
   Lua 5.0.

All devs unanimously agreed that the support for Lua is great, whether
   off of the Lua homepage or the community sites, etc.

  Experiences applying Lua

The group shared some of their own personal uses of Lua that were
   particularly memorable and successful:

One developer created a cutscene handler in Lua that managed the triggering of cutscenes in his game project. He found it easy to
   manage in Lua.

One developer was able to setup a record / replay system for all UI

   One developer was doing unit code testing in Lua.

One developer was able to derive game objects in Lua, and assign functions to these objects in order to test their attributes, etc.
   more easily.

One developer integrated Lua with their physics engine to allow more
   accessibility to tweak physics scripts dynamically.

Summary and Conclusions

This roundtable focused on the hands-on experiences of people using Lua in the gaming industry. Attendees were encouraged to share their personal experiences with Lua in order to spread awareness of the benefits and pitfalls of this embedded language. The two sessions accomplished this goal quite successfully (we as moderators were very surprised at the interest in Lua in the gaming industry based on the number of attendees both days and in the discussion that came about) - there was good conversation in both roundtable sessions that conveyed several things, most notably: 1) The diverse uses of Lua that are specific to games development, 2) What not to use Lua for in games development, 3) The ease of ramp up time for users of Lua, and 4) Comparisons against other languages and even older releases of Lua.
   This is where most interest lay for both days.

There are definitely a handful of very experienced Lua users in the gaming industry that are doing some very impressive work in their projects with the language. Future roundtables on this topic can begin to explore more of what the industry would like to see as features of the language itself and how the community support for games
   development can expand more effectively...


   1. mailto:jkburns AT
   2. mailto:deichorn AT

Ando Sonenblick
SpriTec Software