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> I think Borland C++ Builder is the best GUI tool I've used on
> Windows. 

I hear that a lot (actually, specifically in reference to 

> Non-commerically I highly recommend Python and wxPython. 

I'm trying, very hard, to avoid learning ANOTHER new language =)  
tcl/tk is simple enough that I'm pretty sure I can get the gist in a 
day or two.

That said, Mark Stroetzel has given me some off-line help getting IUP 
up and running without using TecMake.  So far so good, it's compiling, 
I just need to get CD integrated and iup building and I might be able 
to see if it matches what I want.

> Don't use Tcl/Tk. It's dated, slow and doesn't support all the
> native widgets (e.g. tree view). Sorry I haven't used IUP.

This is mostly for very trivial, crude test applications, not for 
large scale development.
