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Thanks for your reply.

On 24 Mar 2004, at 22:36, wrote:

To start with, you should not add __newindex to the registration. That will not do what you want.

Okay, I'll just remove it -- I've asked myself why it wasn't there in the first place...

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to use rawset on a userdata. That will not work, you can only rawset a real table.

Duh! Sorry, a newbie mistake -- I'm working on a very complex application, and this is my first Lua experience. I've added OOP features fairly easily, including the "overloaded" index event that actually adds members on demand, and I'm happy with them...

It may be that Lunar is not sufficient to your needs, or at least requires some modification.

...but I do need to be able to track assignments to my objects. Do you really imply that the Lunar structure does not allow for handling the __newindex metamethod? I am not fluent enough to judge it just by reading the Lunar code...

Thanks again for your kind help.
