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> >1. Is there any reason to prefer wxLua over the other wxWindows ports other than >a taste for Lua's  syntax?
> Well, you will be choosing Lua, which brings all advantages of the 
> language, such as small size, speed, portability, etc...
> > 4. How much will it affect performance to use Lua instead of C++ for the GUI?
> I can't really answer anything about wxlua, but in my experience with
> ui toolkits and Lua no one has complained about performace.
> >5. If I want to produce a closed-source application, how can it be done with >Lua? I thought about
> > putting the compiled Lua code in a C string, and then passing it to the Lua api >inside my code, but
> > then looking at the exe file will reveal the Lua code. Is there any way of >achieving higher security?
> > How easy is it to reverse-engineer compiled Lua code?
> The best way to do this is to transform your Lua code into bytecodes and
> then insert them into your C code. You are looking for bin2c and luac.

    Still it would have the lua code in bytecodes easily readable by 
someone "cracking" your exe file...
    You can create an encryption algorithm to encrypt the lua code, but 
again that would be easily crackable by someone with the means to do it... 
    -- Fred