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>In Lua 4, sure.  But I thought that we were "lexically scoped" now.
> Doesn't that mean that a is automatically local to the function?
> Or have I misunderstood?

You've misunderstood.  You still need the local statement to make a local
variable.  Because of "lexical scoping" you have a lot more options on how
local a "local" is, but Lua still defaults to global unless you use the
local statement.  For instance...

Foo = 1
Bar = function() do
    local Foo = 5

        local Foo = 7 -- I <think> this is illegal in Lua 4
        return Foo

contains 3 separate Foo's, while ...

Foo = 1
Bar = function() do
    Foo = 5

        Foo = 7
        return Foo

contains only 1 global Foo.