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---------- Entête initiale -----------

De      :
A          : Lua List <>
Cc          : 
> Greetings. Today, while reading the docs on Scintilla's site, I learned
> that their is a extension for SciTE that embeds the Lua scripting
> language into the editor alowing macros and such to be written for it in
> Lua.
> It has since been abandoned and no longer in the current source tree,
> however, it still exists in CVS.
> (
> I was curious if anyone has been able to get this to function?
> ----
> jeremy <>

The bad news: this extension is old (based on Lua 3.2) and, as you say,

The good news: somebody (Bruce Dodson if I get his name correctly) has
revived this extension and 
updated to Lua 5.0.
Obviously for Windows only, for this release at least.

The even better news: Neil, the maintener of SciTE, seems to be willing to
include these changes to the 
official release of SciTE. So this wonderful code editor will go to the list
of Lua applications :-)
Note it already supports Lua syntax highlighting, and it can exports to RTF,
PDF, HTML and LaTeX...

The bad news (again!): it hasn't be done yet...


Philippe Lhoste (Paris -- France)
Professional programmer and amateur artist

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