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> > I see no point in not doing such an easy addition.
> That's the whole point actually. Lua is what it is because the
> authors can see the point in not doing such an easy addition.

Well.. I think Lua is what it is for a lot more than a single
issue like this. But ok.. I understood what you meant, and of
course I agree that they're doing a good job.

> With that said, I substituted !=, /* */, // and maybe more...


> I would have preferred this to be standard Lua, but there is
> no really technical reason for that. ~= is fine, # is fine.

I never said that there was a *technical* reason, and I don't have
such a big problem with ~= either. It was a question in the first
place, and then I've just explained my preference.

Btw, # is not standard in Lua. :-)

> With that said, any 'addition' to Lua like this is unwelcome.
> A complete substitution would be acceptable, but wrong(tm).

I don't agree with this specific opinion. I think changes should
be considered all the time. That's what makes a language evolve.
One of the maintainers' task is to decide what is worth and what
is not.

Gustavo Niemeyer