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Lua can bring out problems with the implementation of strtod, for converting from a printed decimal form to the internal floating point representation, and printf, for converting from floating point to printed form, on some platforms. Basically some platforms get the wrong answers even for apparently simple cases like strtod("113") or printf("%17d", 14). There is no excuse for this (it's the fault of the provider of the system C libaries usually) but it can be hard for users to do anything about it.

I'm having these problems with my PalmOS port of Lua5. I've started from the scratch again due to lack of the standard libs on PalmOS. Now, with a newer IDE (cw9), and a few newer routines, I'd like to compensate these errors on strtod and printf, although I don't know the lua source very well to know where to change it. I've tried to put the project on the without success (I'm a little lost with that "cvs-with-putty" thing). Does anybody have a clue to what files on the Lua5 source do I have to change to add these number support ? Thanks!
-- J. Machado