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To pass the table A123 to a lua function from C:

//Retrieve the lua function
lua_pushstring( L, "funcname" )
lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );

//Retrieve A123 (assuming it is a global)
lua_pushstring( L, "A123" )
lua_gettable( L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX )

lua_call( L, 1, 0 ) //call funcname() with 1 arg and 0 return vals

Some other things to think about:

You could have a lua function create the lua table and the C object
simultaneously, then store a reference (userdata) to the C object in the
lua table.

Conversely, create the lua table and the C object simultaneously from C
and store a reference to the lua table in the C object (perhaps using
the lua_ref() macro).

Or you can mix and match as you desire.

Either way, once you have a way to create objects you might want to
think about defining all object variables (C-side and lua-side) in lua
because lua provides such a nice syntax for that sort of thing.


-- This creates a new tank object that contains a reference
-- to a C object (as a userdata)

function Tank( tankDef )
    local tank =
        ammo = tankDef.ammo,
        health =

    -- Create the C object (a userdata) and store a ref to
    -- it in tank.__cobj__
    tank.__cobj__ = C_tankCreate( tankDef.actorData )

    return tank

-- The following will call Tank() and tank0 will
-- refer to the new tank

tank0 = Tank
    ammo = 10,
    health = 100,
    actorData =
        -- Internal C data
        followTerrain = true,
        collideable = true,

This way you can define lua-side data and C-side data in in the same lua
config table.

Hope that makes sense.


> Newbie question....
> We're trying to come up with an efficient way to handle our 
> game objects from lua.  For a given game object, we define a 
> complete schema that includes the engine data and the game 
> extensions to that data.  So for example, an Actor schema 
> will have some core internal use variables and some 
> additional game specific variables (e.g. tank might have 
> armor, player might have health, etc.)  Currently, we stuff 
> the engine's internal variables into a C struct and the 
> additional variables into a lua table, then use lua bindings 
> to call engine functions that operate on the internal data 
> and use lua directly to manipulate the lua tables. So far so good.
> At authoring time all of this is transparent to the designer. 
>  They simply create instances of actors and add new variables 
> to them as they need them.  When they export the game, we 
> split the data and generate a guid for each engine object and 
> embed that in the engine data and then create a lua table 
> with the same name as the guid that also contains elements to 
> hold the additional variables.
> My questions are:
> 1.  Is this a lame way to do this?  What are the other ways?  
> (either implicitly or explicitly) 2.  If I have a guid of 
> A123 (stored as a 4 byte int, not char) and I create a lua 
> table as A123 = {}, when I call from the engine into lua, 
> what do I need to pass lua (or configure before calling) so 
> that a lua funciton can receive the correct table to operate 
> on?  I tried several experiments passing in the A123 as a 
> number and a string and it doesn't work.  Do I need to pass 
> the table itself?  How do I do that?
> Thanks for the help.
> Brett