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This is tricky on Windows... certainly you can wait for multiple objects
such as file I/O, serial, sockets etc; but not with a select(), which is
only valid for sockets.  This is one area of Windows that's a real PITA; the
lack of a single signal/messaging system for timers, UI events, sockets,
asyc I/O, semaphores etc... they all have different mechanisms.

Love, Light and Peace,
- Peter Loveday
Director of Development, eyeon Software

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "WYSIWYH" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 6:09 AM
Subject: select implementation for a "file descriptor set"

> Hi,
> does anyone know if there's a implementation of a select that
> can handle multiple "file descriptor-sets", ie watching for an
> event on the serial port and on a tcp-connection?
> I know there's an implementation in luasocket, but this only
> handles there any possible solution?
> Thanx in advance...