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you could just wrap the 'normal script' in another function called 'main()' or something like that, so you can call blua and then main whenever you want after doing dofile.

At 16:36 03/05/2002 +0200, you wrote:
The topic might sound strange, but what i want to do, is the following :
I have a luascript like the following :

function blua()

running = true;
while running do
print ("s2");

My problem is, that i first want the blua function to be executed and then,
anywhen later in my c code i want to start the 'normal' script. Actually,
when trying lua_dofile, he executes the whole file (but he shouldnt). And
with luaL_loadfile it just loads the file and executes the code, but it
doesnt know the blua-function.
So, how could i solve this problem ?
THX for answers
