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On Sun, 6 Jul 2003 10:10:50 +0300
Asko Kauppi <> wrote:

> What do you mean by 'native'?  There's got to be some non-Lua graphics > stuff underneath such formation. You could use SDL, it's certainly
> fast enough, and many Lua-only games exist on it.

I agree, let me rephrase my thought:

What I am really talking about is having some kind of standard set
of lua data structures for GUI development, but more in a sense
of "let's program a GTK-like toolkit using lua instead of C".
Then you could have a number of appropriate graphical backends.

Why is that?  A GUI toolkit like GTK does many things (in a somewhat
complex way) that a Lua VM can handle much naturally.  Hence, it feels
like overkill to have Lua + bindings to a toolkit that replicates
part of this same functionality (with signalling, reference counting,

Note that I am talking about standard code, which would be activelly
developed and widely deployed (in the same way STL that is standard to

It could be an interesting project... lua stuff is interesting by
default :o)

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