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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ignacio Castaño []
> Sorry Chris, that's what you would do on the C side:
> First, create your main lua state with lua_open.
> Create a new thread for each scripts that you want to run in 
> parallel, that
> is a state with its own stack.
> Instead of lua_dofile, use lua_load or any of the functions 
> that provides
> the aux library (ie. luaL_loadbuffer). That parses your 
> script and leaves
> the main function on the top of the stack.
> Instead of using lua_pcall to run that function, use 
> lua_resume, that way,
> it will yield when it finds a yield function. You can resume 
> the thread as
> many times as you want, but you will have to use some kind of 
> return codes
> to determine the end of the execution (or use lua_getstack).

Perfect answer, that in combination with Peter Shook's completed example filled the holes in my understanding. 

Many thanks to everyone, I've got it now...

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