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> Is there a version of FLTK that works with Lua 5.0? I can't seem to
> find one, but I may be looking the wrong places.
> If there isn't, is anyone working on one or is there some alternative
> with Lua 5.0 that I should be looking at instead.
> In case it's relevant, I am running code under Windows (2k, NT, ME) with
> occasional journeys into CygWIn.

I use the following alternative under Lua 5.0 : wxLua.
wxLua allows to build GUI using XRC file,
so I use "XRC editor" - a python tool- to build my own interface - with list
box, panel support, ...-,
and I save it as a "XRC file".
It's easy to use this file under wxLua.

Using the XRC feature, it's a pleasure to build interface :o)

I hope this can help you.
