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Lua doesn't allow that syntax, however you can certainly stuff a value in
the callers 'global' environment. Below I create a function 'foo' which
iterates from 1 to 5, then returns nil (using private local 'byteme'). You
call it with the name you want to set in your (current) environment.

-- create function 'foo' with private variable 'byteme' anonymously

foo = ( function()
  local byteme = 0
  return function (name_to_set_in_caller_env)
    local callers_env = getfenv(2) -- get the caller's 'globals' (environment)
    byteme = byteme + 1
    if byteme > 5 then byteme = nil end
    callers_env[name_to_set_in_caller_env] = byteme
    return byteme
end )()

-- main
x = 0
while foo('x')

- Joe

> Greetings, all!  I've just discovered this beautiful language quite
> recently and am having immense fun figuring out how it behaves. :-)
> If someone can spare a moment, would it be possible to confirm a
> little detail for me please ...?
> Is it the case that the only way to express the *invalid* form:
>                  while x = foo() do print(x) end
> (in which the focus is on the assignment being performed at the