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At 09:16 PM 4/1/2003, you wrote:
So, please download and compile it, taking some time to read config,
and let us know if there are any compilation problems (or bugs in the code!).

I've created the following batchfile (just a hacked version of 'build') to build lua 5.0 with lcc-win32 (despite the warnings shown below, it seems to run okay):

REM --- start of lcc-win32 build script ---
@echo off
REM If you don't want to use make, run this script for lcc-win32
echo 'building core library... '
cd src
for %%i in (*.c) do lcc -I../include %%i
lcclib ..\lib\liblua.lib *.obj
del *.obj
echo 'standard library... '
cd lib
for %%i in (*.c) do lcc -DUSE_POPEN=1 -DUSE_TMPNAME=1 -I..\..\include %%i
lcclib ..\..\lib\liblualib.lib *.obj
del *.obj
echo 'lua... '
cd ..\lua
lc -I..\..\include lua.c ..\..\lib\liblua.lib ..\..\lib\liblualib.lib -o ..\..\bin\lua.exe
echo 'luac... '
cd ..\luac
lc -I..\..\include -DLUA_OPNAMES lua.c ..\lopcodes.c ..\..\lib\liblua.lib ..\..\lib\liblualib.lib -o ..\..\bin\luac.exe
echo 'done'
cd ..\..
bin\lua test\hello.lua
REM --- end of lcc-win32 build script ---

Here's the output from this command:

'building core library... '
Warning lapi.c: 229  Statement has no effect
0 errors, 1 warnings
Warning lstate.c: 43  Statement has no effect
Warning lstate.c: 92  Statement has no effect
Warning lstate.c: 201  Statement has no effect
0 errors, 3 warnings
Warning ltable.c: 89  possible usage of a before definition
0 errors, 1 warnings
replacing lapi.obj
replacing lcode.obj
replacing ldebug.obj
replacing ldo.obj
replacing ldump.obj
replacing lfunc.obj
replacing lgc.obj
replacing llex.obj
replacing lmem.obj
replacing lobject.obj
replacing lopcodes.obj
replacing lparser.obj
replacing lstate.obj
replacing lstring.obj
replacing ltable.obj
replacing ltm.obj
replacing lundump.obj
replacing lvm.obj
replacing lzio.obj
'standard library... '
Warning lauxlib.c: 462  Statement has no effect
Warning lauxlib.c: 517  Statement has no effect
0 errors, 2 warnings
Warning lstrlib.c: 124  Statement has no effect
0 errors, 1 warnings
replacing lauxlib.obj
replacing lbaselib.obj
replacing ldblib.obj
replacing liolib.obj
replacing lmathlib.obj
replacing loadlib.obj
replacing lstrlib.obj
replacing ltablib.obj
'lua... '
Warning lua.c: 85  Statement has no effect
0 errors, 1 warnings
'luac... '
Impossible to read from lua.c
Hello world, from Lua 5.0!