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> Not to be a pain in the a**, but is anyone else interested in
> curses/text-only UI as well? How about a HTML user interface... where
> the same description could render a webpage?

Here!  Here! absolutly!
I've seen such projects for Python I think, but they were not very advanced
and seemed to lack support...

I guess the real problem is 'the least common dominator', as a graphic GUI,
a text-based
UI and a HTML UI have some very different requirements.
And that's not because one is 'dumber' than the other. But I can do things
on a webpage that are difficult or unpractical in a GUI, and if I put the
page-based model into a GUI app, I end up with stupid wizards.

I very much want as many UI options available for LuaCheia, maybe this can
be handled in a flexible way. Have a 'compat' layer that doesn't need to
know what kind of UI it serves, and do UI specific programming if rhe need
arises (Desktop-only app)
