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Hello list,

first I must apologize that I entirely missed the alpha and most of the
beta phase of Lua-5 being so happy with Lua-4.

It worries me that some people seem to have a negative impression of Lua 5
so near to it being officially released. Someone even said that we have
"seriously damaged Lua functionality"! Sure, Lua 5 is different from Lua 4.
The metamethod scheme is not the same as the tagmethod scheme, but it is
simpler and more flexible, even if sometimes you have to use proxy tables
for doing some stuff that was easy in Lua 4. Lua 5 was the outcome of a long
sequence of work versions of Lua 4.1 and has gone through alpha and now beta
stages. I'd think major design flaws would be found by now :-(

My impression is that if you can change something for the better then you
do it. Whatever it costs. I like this. Although for example the massive
changes in Lua's C-API from version 3.2 to 4.0 meant a lot of work for me.
(It is clearly better now, but please don't do this again.)

Now I'm a little concerned hearing about massive changes to userdata and tag
methods, both concepts we use a lot. I will continue with Lua-4 until I have
a week or so of time to tackle the changes needed for Lua-5.

This my statement is of no technical value whatsoever. All I want to say is
keep up the good work but don't be surprised if your users don't follow the
