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Hello again,

By reading over your mail again:

>tables. Initially, I thought that weak hashtables in Java would solve
>the problem, but as it turns out they are crippled, because references
>to the values of a hash table are always strong. Unfortunately, this
>prevents the proxies from ever being collected in such a hash table,
>even with weak keys.

I came up with the following idea: since I'm not really a Lua
expert (and my knowledge of C/C++ is even worse),  but I have
several years of experience witzh Java: would it help you, if
I would implement a hashtable  with both weak keys and values
for you  (in Java, of course)?  If you would prefer something
else,  please let me know - I would be glad  if I could be of
any help...

Kind regards,

Andreas Rozek         Phone:  ++49 (7031) 222305
Bunsenstraße 82       Fax:    -
D-71032 Böblingen     EMail:  A.Rozek@GMX.De
Germany               URL: