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Juergen Fuhrmann wrote:
> a) Lua-FLTK of Jay Carlson but the currend binding needs the so-called
> property patch to  tolua -- we would need to carry  over this patch to
> 5.0.  IMHO, unless wxwindows and IUP,  FLTK is very much in the spirit
> of Lua: lean, fast, portable.
> In  the bottomline:  I  think lua  needs  a canonical  option for  GUI
> building, and some  concentration of forces on that.  So that everyone
> who asks  what to  use can be  told: Unless  your demands are  not too
> exotic, use ... for your GUI.
> Juergen

I myself am very pleased with FLTK, but not with 
the lack of stability of the current lua/fltk 
bindings. I am willing to be of some 
assistance for Lua 5.0 bindings to FLTK.
We will probaly need to wait for tolua to be 
ported to lua 5.0, I reckon. 

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer