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>  Tue, 03 Sep 2002 08:32:13 +0200 (MEST)
> wrote:

>   luaswig will be updated when the  final version of Lua 5.0 hit the
>  shelf. For  the moment, the  development of luagtk2 (using  the new
>  Gtk-2.0 environment) keeps me busy.

Is there any  intention to use the newer versions of  SWIG (1.3+ ) for
that ?   I tried  luaswig, and  decided to prefer  tolua for  the time
being as  I found no canonical  way to specify  garbage collection tag
methods and such in a more  or less obvious fashion. My impression was
that the  last stable SWIG version was  not ripe enough to  do a clean
job, and SWIG evolved quite a lot since than.
