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I'm a C programmer since 10+ years, and never got to think of this syntax
difference until you mentioned it. To me, clearly separate syntaxes is
better than some that are "close by". In school, learning Swedish and German
at the same time was a challenge since there's so much similarities. 

For me, the only "C-like" syntactical thing that I miss (in Lua) is the +=
etc. notations.

- asko

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Joshua Jensen []
> Sent:	Saturday, August 10, 2002 12:21 AM
> To:	Multiple recipients of list
> Subject:	RE: Evaluating LUA
> > > I actually like the fact that Lua is not C-like.  There are already 
> > > too many C-like languages and it becomes rather confusing 
> > to have to 
> > > deal with all the variations-on-a-theme.  Lua's choice of syntax 
> > > avoids that problem.
> > 
> Except it's the biggest hangup when trying to convert C and Javascript
> users... "Why do tables use braces and functions do not?" ... and
> they're the main people I always try and get to use Lua.
> -Josh
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