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> > This is a full distribution which merges the modules in lua-4.0-update into
> > the original Lua 4.0 code. Only those modules have been touched. (A complete
> > list of updated modules is in UPDATE; diffs from the original code are in
> > DIFFS.) READMEs and other documentation still refer to Lua 4.0 (and this is
> > ok, since 4.0.1 is simply a bug-fix release). However, LUA_VERSION in lua.h
> > has been changed to 4.0.1 so that you know what you're running.
> Presumably the V=4.0 in config should also be changed to V=4.0.1?

And you might as well updated the copyright line in lua.h to "1994-2002".

-- | irrevocable, a.  expensive; see also lawyer