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First of all well done on the LuaIDE work. I would second Benoits comments

> How does that fit into Vis Lua?
> See

VisLua is intended to be as portable as possible (hence wxWindows and
largely written in Lua). It is also intended that it connects to a remote
client session once the client state has been created - ie. the debugger
will connect to client session which the client advertises, probably all
communicating using tcp/ip. The client would contain a small debug stub,
included in the development build. I did get some tests working using Lua
network stuff but havent had time to continue.

My hobby projects ( dont really require a Lua debugger
currently since the scripts are small. I should be changing jobs soon though
and work may continue. Currently I'm doing graphical effects and game guts,
not much scripting going on.
