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Björn De Meyer wrote:
> Roberto Ierusalimschy wrote:
> >
> > The drawback is that everyone using Lua would have to start it with
> > something like
> >
> >   lua_open(&realloc);
> >
> > which is not exactly friendly...
> Not really. Lua _open can do that behind our backs.
> You keep the "callback functions"/"hooks" stored as
> funcion pointers  somewhere in the Lua state. By default,
> the state is set up by lua_open to use the default ANCI C
> functions. The callback can then be changed by a new LUA api
> call such has lua_set_callbacks(lua_state *,
> lua_callback_struct *);
> I can elaborate, and even suggest a patch, if you wish.

Well, I didn't notice the date on that posting,
and other people have suggested better solutions, so,
you'd best disregard this message. My preference would go 
to keeping lua_open the way it is, and add a lua_opencallbacks 
for customization of memory allocation and such. 

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer