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- Subject: Re: about the next version
- From: Roberto Ierusalimschy <roberto@...>
- Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 09:10:54 -0300
> Perhaps I missed something, or compability isn't a concern: (?)
It is. Our idea is to provide a compatibility file, in Lua, that build
the old library on top of the new one. Most of its work is simply renaming:
sin = math.sin
cos = math.cos
A few functions need a real "implementation". Follows attached a sketch of
this file.
-- Roberto
-- Real globals
-- _G
-- assert
-- error
-- metatable
-- next
-- print
-- require
-- tonumber
-- tostring
-- type
-- unpack
-- collectgarbage
-- gcinfo
-- globals
-- call -> protect(f, err)
-- loadfile
-- loadstring
-- rawget
-- rawset
-- getargs = Main.getargs ??
function do_ (f, err)
if not f then print(err); return end
local a,b = pcall(nil, f)
if not a then print(b); return nil
else return b or true
function dostring(s) return do_(loadstring(s)) end
function dofile(f) return do_(loadfile(f)) end
-- Table library
foreach = tab.foreach
foreachi = tab.foreachi
getn = tab.getn
tinsert = tab.insert
tremove = tab.remove
sort = tab.sort
-- Debug library
debug = dbg.debug
getinfo = dbg.getinfo
getlocal = dbg.getlocal
setcallhook = dbg.setcallhook
setlinehook = dbg.setlinehook
setlocal = dbg.setlocal
-- math library (change to radians?)
abs = math.abs
acos = math.acos
asin = math.asin
atan = math.atan
atan2 = math.atan2
ceil = math.ceil
cos = math.cos
deg = math.deg
exp = math.exp
floor = math.floor
frexp = math.frexp
ldexp = math.ldexp
log = math.log
log10 = math.log10
max = math.max
min = math.min
mod = math.mod
PI = math.pi
--??? pow = math.pow
rad = math.rad
random = math.random
randomseed = math.randomseed
sin = math.sin
sqrt = math.sqrt
tan = math.tan
-- string library
strbyte = str.byte
strchar = str.char
concat = str.concat
strfind = str.find
format = str.format
gsub = str.gsub
strlen = str.len
strlower = str.lower
strrep = str.rep
strsub = str.sub
strupper = str.upper
-- os library
clock = os.clock
date = os.date
difftime = os.difftime
execute = os.execute --?
exit = os.exit
getenv = os.getenv
remove = os.remove
rename = os.rename
setlocale = os.setlocale
time = os.time
tmpname = os.tmpname
-- compatibility only
local g = globals
getglobal = function (n) return g()[n] end
setglobal = function (n,v) g()[n] = v end
local io, tab = io, tab
-- IO library (files)
_STDIN = io.stdin
_STDERR = io.stderr
_STDOUT = io.stdout
_INPUT = io.stdin
_OUTPUT = io.stdout
seek = io.stdin.seek -- sick ;-)
tmpfile = io.tmpfile
closefile = io.close
openfile = io.open
function flush (f)
if f then f:flush()
else _OUTPUT:flush()
function readfrom (name)
if name == nil then
local f, err, cod = io.close(_INPUT)
_INPUT = io.stdin
return f, err, cod
local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "r")
_INPUT = f or _INPUT
return f, err, cod
function writeto (name)
if name == nil then
local f, err, cod = io.close(_OUTPUT)
_OUTPUT = io.stdout
return f, err, cod
local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "w")
return f, err, cod
function appendto (name)
local f, err, cod = io.open(name, "a")
return f, err, cod
function read (...)
local f = _INPUT
if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then
f = tab.remove(arg, 1)
return f:read(unpack(arg))
function write (...)
local f = _OUTPUT
if type(arg[1]) == 'userdata' then
f = tab.remove(arg, 1)
return f:write(unpack(arg))