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> Ah, so *you're* the author. You've no doubt figured that it's 
> my request on 
> the "Support Request" page at SourceForge.

Thanks for the feedback. The project is something that I put on a back
burner for a little while whilst I've has some slightly more important
matters to deal with. Still thinking about VisLua and thankfully the wxLua
project has reemerged.

> > Or Yindo.
> I just took a look at it. It appeared to install correctly, 
> but refused to 
> run an application I downloaded, complaining it couldn't find 
> a DLL that was 
> in Windows\System. Go figure. I tried a web-based application 
> and it locked 
> up my browser. Finally, I when I went to uninstall it, there was no 
> mechanisms available - I had to clean it out by hand. The 
> fact that seems to 
> reports back to home base doesn't fill me with warm fuzzies, either.

I'm sure they'd be very grateful if you mailed all your details to the Yindo
mailing list so they can fix it. To be honest I think Yindo needs
documenting a little better before it becomes usuable. I think they're on
V1,B6 so its still early days.

> Then again, this is coming from someone who can't even build a simple 
> makefile. :-)
> Time to get my hour of sleep...

All this techno gimpery can be tiring. If the coffees not working try
rubbing granules into your gums.