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Perhaps now is the right time to ask this:

- Can anyone volunteer to set up and maintain the mailing list?
  The requirements are fast delivery, loop free, spam blocking ;-)
  and automatic archival. No need for moderation.

  Desirable features include accepting postings from people registered at Yahoo,
  searching archives, automatic subscription handling, automatic bouncing
  handling, header rewriting.

- Do we need lua-l at Yahoo? If not, it could simplify things.

- Does lua-users support mailing lists?

Norman Ramsey has kindly agreed to let me use their ezmlm list server at
Harvard. I did some experimenting and it seemed ok, but I did not answer all
the questions above. Moreover, I'd still have to maintain the list, and
this is taking me a lot of time (plus obviously it is not enough, as spam is
getting into lua-l...)

Perhaps someone that knows list servers and already has one installed would
like to volunteer to take over lua-l.

Let's take this discussion off the list now. Please reply to lua@tecgraf