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> The main problem I see is that we'd reject postings from the 
> people registered
> in lua-l via Yahoo Groups because I don't have (automatic) 
> access to the
> list of subscribers. There are currently 222 subscribers at 
> Yahoo Groups.

Well the easiest route would be for Yahoo to supply you with their list so
you can check mails against that and lua-l for acceptance. If you are the
moderator you should be able to get a mail saying who has joined the list
and who has left, so you can update your list. There is a list of members in
the options is there not (although buried in html).

Failing that... what about you get people to register with "lua-users"
afresh. This could have an optional mailing address (for lua-l message
receival and news etc). People wanting to see archives go to Yahoo-Groups -
or you could put an archive on or (and discontinue
Yahoo?). People wanting to post directly to lua-l via browser do so
"lua-users" site rather than Yahoo. If people registered with lua-users you
might also get more info from them about Luas use, shoe size, platform,
problems, favourite animal, version used, method of binding etc.