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I've just made a new release of my Lua libraries (that's the libraries
written in Lua, not the C addons), at (under Lua)

New goodies since the last release include:

  * prototype based object system (as posted to the list the other
  * two function-mangling functions:
      curry: curries a function on its first n arguments
      listable: makes a function which is called like this:
      f(a,b,c,...) callable like this: f{a,b,c...}. Useful for min and
      max, for example, which are set up like this by my libraries
  * foldr: fold a binary function left associatively through a list
  * a tag method for tables: t + u returns the merge of t and u
  * tag methods for lists: -l reverses a list, l .. m concatenates
    lists, and l * n repeats list l n times.

Some of the old routines have been debugged, and the documentation
improved; many functions have also had their implementation improved
and in several cases vastly simplified (where I saw that a function
could easily be expressed as a one-liner in terms of another).

The whole lot is compatible with Lua 4.0 and 4.1 (at least, I allege
it is, but it's only used regularly under 4.0).

-- | impatience, n.  the urge to do nothing