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- Subject: Re: "unsettag"!
- From: RLake@...
- Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 09:54:21 -0500
Reuben Thomas escribió:
> I've just run into a problem with the fact that settag can only be used
> with tags created with newtag: if I want some operations on tables to
> any table tag that is present, I must first check that it is not equal to
> tag({}).
This is one of the many reasons I have proposed an iterator tag method for
It's hard to read between the lines to figure out what you're actually
to do, but I am guessing that you wanted to do something like:
newtable = {}
for k, v in table do
newtable[k] = v
but you can't because the iteration doesn't work on your table-objects. (At
that is a problem I run into occasionally.)
With extended for and next, this works just fine. Of course, it doesn't
give you
a copy of the table; rather it gives you a vanilla table with the "same"
pairs. If may be that you want to define copy on all table types. The way I
generally do things like that is to define functions which are actually
lookups by tag, which allows you to define the functions on any Lua
not just tables. Then you can say:
newtable = Copy(table)
knowing that Copy for vanilla tables is defined as a foreach.
Even with "extended for and next", you can pull this off by defining
in a similar way to Copy.
I'm putting together a little library with stuff like this in it, as a
sort of tutorial on tag-methods. If you're interested, I could e-mail
you a draft.
> Also, it's conceivable I might want to "untag" a table, which would be
> possible if I could say settag(t, tag({})).
I've run into that one, too. It can be kind of a pain. However, the Copy
shown above provides a work-around. In the general case, speaking as a
writer, I wouldn't want to expose my objects to being unsettaged. I know
you're thinking: the user could just use rawset/rawget. Not so!:
local sysrawget = rawget
function rawget(t, k)
if it_is_my_table(t) then return t[k]
else return %sysrawget(t, k)
> Another suggestion: stop settag returning a value. Functions that return
> the value of one of their arguments is a C-ism, like assignments
> the value of the assigned quantity. It's a way to write nasty code.
I disagree. I use this all the time:
self = {}
-- set up keys
return settag(self, %mytag)