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For those of you who want to try it, LuaThreads 1.0-work is available for
download at

This is a pre-release, meant to be tested by those who want to test it.

Here is a quote from the manual:


    LuaThreads  enables  the Lua  programmer  to  create concurrent  Lua
    scripts, in which several  threads of execution coordinately perform
    different tasks in  parallel. The library runs both  on Unix systems
    supporting the pthreads standard and on Win32 systems.

    The functionality is  provided in two parts: routines  needed by Lua
    core  to control  parallel access  to its  internal structures  and,
    independently, functions  providing Lua scripts with  the ability to
    create and synchronize multiple threads of execution.

    Since the first part of the library is tightly integrated to the Lua
    core  implementation, LuaThreads  requires that  the Lua  library be
    entirely recompiled  before it can  be used by client  scripts. This
    process is detailed in the building instructions.

    The  second part  of the  library  provides client  support for  the
    manipulation   of   threads  as   well   as   mutex  and   condition
    synchronization  objects. The  LuaThreads API  follows the  pthreads
    standard closely, as detailed in the user's manual.

Comments are welcome, as usual.
