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- Subject: Re: syntax across languages
- From: nop@...
- Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 10:19:06 -0600 (CST)
On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
> Could someone please volunteer and add Lua entries to the study below?
> http://merd.net/pixel/language-study/syntax-across-languages.html
OK, here's my take on it. I'm not going to send it in; feel free to
forward it if you think it looks reasonable.
assignment/declaration: =
function call: f(a,b,...)
Lua supports sugar for function calls as follows:
Table constructors: f{a=7} => f({a=7}), f{1,2,3} => f({1,2,3})
Strings: f"a", f'a', f[[a]] => f("a")
sequence: The empty string. ; is an *optional* statement separator.
grouping expressions: ( ... )
block: begin ... end
Note that syntax has implicit blocks:
while 1 do
if foo then
for i,v in dict do
method invocation: object:method( ... )
Note that object:method(...) is sugar for object.method(self, ...)
package scope: no packages
people often use tables as packages: HTTP.get(...)
record selector: .
shallow equality/non-equality: == ~=
deep eq/non-eq: none (although strings are values; "a" == "a")
comparison: < > <= >=
3-value compare: none
if_then_else: none
Quoting the Lua 4.0 manual:
The second idiom is
x = a and b or c
which should be read as x = (a and b) or c. This idiom is equivalent to
if a then x = b else x = c end
provided that b is not nil.
type annotation: none
type cast: none
dictionary constructor: {a=b, c=d}
Arbitrary keys can be used with {[7]=b, ["c"]=>d}
range: none
tuple constructor: {a, b, c}
...depending on your definition of tuple. {a, b, c} is another way of
writing the table constructor {[1]=a, [2]=b, [3]=c}.
dictionary access: a[e]
Also a.foo => a["foo"]
throw: error()
catch: none
Well, there's call(), but that's not used casually.
runtime evaluation: dostring("...")
verbatim: "...", '...', [[...]]
with interpolation: none
convert something to a string: tostring
concatenation: ..
duplicate n times: strrep(s, n)
upper/lower case character: none
upper/lower case string: strupper(), strlower()
ascii to character: strchar
char to ascii: strbyte
false: nil
true: anything not nil
logical not: not
logical or/and, short circuit: or/and
non short circuit: none
list concatenation: none
list flattening: none
list constructor: {a, b, c}
...depending on your definition of list. {a, b, c} is another way of
writing the table constructor {[1]=a, [2]=b, [3]=c}.
list/array indexing: a[i]
list cons: none
iterate: foreachi(l, f)
Common practice is:
for i=1,getn(l) do
transform: none
transform two lists in parallel: none
find an element: none
keep elements matching: none
f(... f(f(init, e1), e2) ..., en): none
f(e1, f(e2, ... f(en, init) ...)): none
split a list in 2 based on a predicate: none
is an element in the list: none
is the predicate true for an element: none
is the predicate true for every element: none
smallest/biggest element: none
list out of a bag: none
list size: getn(l)
iterate with index: none
Again, common practice is:
for i=1,getn(l) do
sort: sort
remove duplicates: none
list of couples from 2 lists: none
2 lists from a list of couples: none
reverse: none
lookup an element in an association list: none
power: ^
square root/exponental/absolute value: sqrt/exp/abs
trigonometry: cos/sin/tan
logarithm: log/log10
euclidian division: none
modulo of -3/2 is 1: none
modulo of -3/2 is -1: mod
round/floor/ceil: none/floor/ceil