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John Belmonte wrote:
> Actually unified methods doesn't offer many features at all.  [...]  Lua's
> tag method interface is spotty and hard to follow, so unified methods just
> make you think you're getting a whole lot more.  It's an illusion.

Oh, that's hard ;-)  Lua, the language, doesn't offer anything that can't
be done with its VM-code but I wouldn't say that Lua is only an illusions :-)

The fact that you get an additional namespace does make a difference,
especially for objects, that don't have a namespace in its own.  The
uniform access to application methods and tag methods and that for all
data types can help a lot.  Sure, you could get the functionality with
current Lua but under what costs?  Try to implement additional methods
for userdata objects that already implement some within the C lib...

Ciao, ET.