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> StandardLibraryProposal looks like all lua code.

It's not really about the code, that's just what people have
contributed so far. The idea is to thrash out ideas for a Lua standard
library. It's just that no-one has so far addressed any details of its
structure, let alone the need for OS-specific (C) code.

> And make the dirlib a seperately compilable library from lua_dirlib.

That sounds like a good idea too, except that of course you could
argue that POSIX does exactly that. Or maybe it's not quite what you
want, so you could build a thin layer on top of POSIX (which would
become rather thicker when reimplemented on non-POSIX systems), and
then bind that to Lua.

Preferably the binding to Lua should be done by a tool like tolua;
it's better than writing (error-prone) binding code by hand. It's
perhaps reasonable not to implement the standard Lua libraries this
way, but an external standard library set shouldn't need to write
binding code by hand.

-- | Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur (Anon)