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This is an excellent idea.  Having a POSIX library that runs against the
Lua 4.1 build would be superb.  I'm always modifying our internal
Lua.exe to add new features, such as directory recursion.  Having this
in a more portable form would be superb.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Belmonte [] 
> Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 7:55 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Lua-SS
> This is an idea sparked by Erik's reminder about the "lua" 
> program being a sample interpreter.
> Maybe those interested in Lua as a stand alone scripting 
> language (that is, for system scripting) would consider 
> producing a new package, say "Lua-SS". It would use the Lua 
> core unmodified, but maybe extend the standard libraries 
> towards a more POSIX-level functionality (as access to file 
> dates, directory contents, etc. are essential to system 
> scripting).  It would also provide well-defined module, 
> class(?), and threading(?) support.  (Part of the module 
> specification would include Lua registry use.)  It would 
> support automatic generation and use of compiled Lua files 
> similar to Python's system.
> With a well-defined module system and expanded standard 
> libraries, third-party libraries would finally have a solid 
> base to build on.  A nice side effect for beginners and for 
> those of us in the "embedded camp" is that there will be more 
> code available to peek at and hack.
> I think this would benefit everyone and also diffuse the 
> tension between the stand-alone and embedded users.  There 
> would finally be something worth making a Debian package for.
> -John