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I'm getting tired of typing

for i=1,getn(l) do
  local v=l[i]

It makes the loop look more complicated than it is, harder to understand at
first glance etc.  What I'd like is something like

for i,v in list l do

with whatever surface syntax makes sense.  "for i,v in l[] do" or "forlist
i,v in l do" or whatever.  I guess "for i,v inlist l do" would have the
fewest grammar implications.

Also, I think I'm going to implement the following in my interactive lua
command loops:


is an abbreviation for


where _EVAL_PRINT is initially set to print.  It gets a separate hook to
allow for pretty-printing of tables.  I considered flipping the default and
using ; to prefix statements but that doesn't allow you to paste code into
the loop.
